Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition) | Aksiku Toko Buku Bekas Online
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Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

Jual Buku Gogo Loves English 6

Gogo Loves English New Edition is an exciting, activity-based course for young learners of English that is fully revised from the original edition.

The Student's Book features:
Conversations to present new language in context
Pronunciation practice to develop good pronunciation and fluency
Songs and chants to practice rhythm and intonation
Bonus units t challange students to use new language
Culture units to expose students to the outside world

Rincian Informasi Buku

Judul Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)
Penulis: Stanton Procter, Melanie Graham, Ken Method, Paul Fitzgerald
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: 73 Halaman, Full Colour
Berat Buku: 230 gram
Penerbit: Pearson Longman Asia ELT
Tahun: 2002 Cetakan ke 1 Edisi ke 2
Harga Buku: Rp. 18.000,-
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku Bekas/ORIGINAL/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)

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Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

Gogo Loves English 6 (New Edition)

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