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The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

Jual Buku Import The House On The Hill

"Where do you live?" asked Paul.
"In the big white house on the hill." said Maria.
"Where do you live?"
"In the little brown house near the market," said Paul.
They laughed. But Paul was sad. The house on the hill was big and important. Maria was rich and he was poor. And Paul was in love.

Heinemann Guided Readers

Beginner Level

This series, comprising both original and simplified stories, is published at five levels and provides a choice of enjoyable reading material for all learners of English.

Rincian Informasi Buku The House On The Hill

Judul The House On The Hill
Penulis: Elizabeth Laird
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: 32 Halaman LENGKAP
Berat Buku: 40 gram
Penerbit: Element Books
Tahun: 1992 Cetakan ke 1
Harga Buku: Rp. 10.000,-
Kondisi: Cukup (Buku Bekas/ORIGINAL/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Punggung buku diplester selotip. Halaman pembuka dan dibalik cover belakang ada coretan dan tulisan menggunakan spidol.

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The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

The House On The Hill - Elizabeth Laird

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