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Dance & Drama In Bali

Jual Buku Import Dance & Drama In Bali

Dance and Drama in Bali, forst published in 1938, has become a classic in the literature on Bali, a small island to the east of Java in the Indonesian Archipelago. It has never been surpassed as the first full and connected account of the dances and dance-dramas which play such an important part in the lives of the Balinese, and of the cultural milieu in which these are performed.

This unique volume is the result of a collaboration between Walter Spies, the gifted German painter and musician who lived on the island for twelve years between the wars, and British writer and dance critic Beryl de Zoete,who spent fifteen months in Bali in the mid-1930s in the course of her research into the origins and spread of Hindu-influenced performing arts. Although both Spies and de Zoete were skilled photographers, the collection of still images of dynamic movement, dance and dram contained in this book, with two exceptions, were taken by Spies, and attest to his legendary knowledge of everything Balinese. The photographs are beautifully complemented by de Zoete's power of conveying to the reader the emotional meaning of the dances which she describes.

The enduring appeal of Dance and Drama in Bali lies not only in the astonishing variety and beauty of Balinese dance and drama described and illustrated in the book- from stylized movements, sung and unsung drama, masked and unmasked plays, to literary plays, special orchestras, and stylized combat- but also in the history of these and the process by which they have evolved.

With 112 pages of illustrations and a map.

Rincian Informasi Buku

  • Judul Dance & Drama In Bali
  • Penulis: Walter Spies and Beryl de Zoete
  • Bahasa: INGGRIS
  • Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
  • Tebal: xx, 348 Halaman
  • Berat Buku: 700 gram
  • Penerbit: Periplus Editions
  • Tahun: 2002 Cetakan ke 1
  • Harga Buku: HABIS
  • Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku Bekas/ORIGINAL/Bersampul Plastik bening/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto/LIHAT FOTO)
  • Kertas halaman bercak kecoklatan. LIHAT FOTO

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Dance & Drama In Bali

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