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The Afghan (The New International Bestseller)
The Afghan (The New International Bestseller) by Frederick Forsyth

The Afghan (The New International Bestseller) by Frederick Forsyth

The Afghan (The New International Bestseller) by Frederick Forsyth

The Afghan (The New International Bestseller) by Frederick Forsyth
Toko Buku Bekas Online Aksiku menjual Novel Import Bekas The Afghan (The New International Bestseller) by Frederick Forsyth.

Judul The Afghan (The New International Bestseller)
Penulis: Frederick Forsyth
Tebal: vi, 344 Halaman
Harga Buku: Rp. 60.000,-HABIS
Berat Buku: 480 g
Penerbit: Bantam Press
Terbit tahun: 2006 Cetakan ke 1
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku Bekas/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Kertas halaman kuning kecoklatan. Halaman pembuka ada stempel Koleksi Keluarga.

When British and American intelligence catch wind of a major Al Qaeda operation in the works, they instantly galvanize- but to do what? They know nothing about it: the what, where, or when. They have no sources in Al Qaeda, and it's impossible to plant someone. Impossible, unless . . .

The Afghan is Izmat Khan, a five-year prisoner of Guantánamo Bay and a former senior commander of the Taliban. The Afghan is also Colonel Mike Martin, a twenty-five-year veteran of war zones around the world-a dark, lean man born and raised in Iraq. In an attempt to stave off disaster, the intelligence agencies will try to do what no one has ever done before-pass off a Westerner as an Arab among Arabs-pass off Martin as the trusted Khan.

It will require extraordinary preparation, and then extraordinary luck, for nothing can truly prepare Martin for the dark and shifting world into which he is about to enter. Or for the terrible things he will find there.

Filled with remarkable detail and compulsive drama, The Afghan is further proof that Forsyth is truly master of suspense

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