The Client by John Grisham | Aksiku Toko Buku Bekas Online
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The Client by John Grisham

Toko Buku Bekas Online Aksiku menjual Novel Import Bekas berbahasa Inggris berjudul The Client by John Grisham.

Judul The Client
Penulis: John Grisham
Tebal: 566 Halaman
Harga Buku: Rp. 40.000,-HABIS
Berat Buku: 285 g
Penerbit: Island Books (Dell Publishing)
Terbit tahun: 1993 Cetakan ke 1
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover Bersampul plastik bening.
Kondisi: Cukup (Buku Bekas/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Bagian atas dan bawah buku ada noda coklat kehitaman. Halaman pembuka ada tandatangan.

In a weedy lot on the outskirts of Memphis, two boys watch a shiny Lincoln pull up to the curb...Eleven-year-old Mark Sway and his younger brother were sharing a forbidden cigarette when a chance encounter with a suicidal lawyer left Mark knowing a bloody and explosive secret: the whereabouts of the most sought-after dead body in America.

Now Mark is caught between a legal system gone mad and a mob killer desperate to cover up his crime. And his only ally is a woman named Reggie Love, who has been a lawyer for all of four years.
Prosecutors are willing to break all the rules to make Mark talk. The mob will stop at nothing to keep him quiet. And Reggie will do anything to protect her client -- even take a last, desperate gamble that could win Mark his freedom... or cost them both their lives.

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