The Dead Zone (Stephen King) - Novel Import | Aksiku Toko Buku Bekas Online
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The Dead Zone (Stephen King) - Novel Import
Judul: The Dead Zone 
Penulis: Stephen King
Kulit Muka:  Soft Cover
Tebal: 470 Halaman
Berat Buku: 255 g
Penerbit: Warner Books
Tahun: 2000
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku BEKAS/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Goodreads rating: 3.86

Harga: Rp. 30.000,- SOLD OUT


Halaman pembuka dan halaman 468 terdapat tandatangan pemilik sebelumnya. Sedikit bagian bawah buku pernah terkena air. overall masih cukup bagus dan sangat layak baca. LIHAT FOTO

Johnny, the small boy who skated at breakneck speed into an accident that for one horrifying moment plunged him into The Dead Zone.

Johnny Smith, the small-town schoolteacher who spun the wheel of fortune and won a four-and-a-half-year trip into The Dead Zone.

John Smith, who awakened from an interminable coma with an accursed power—the power to see the future and the terrible fate awaiting mankind in The Dead Zone.

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